We want all pupils to flourish. Our school curriculum provides the children with the knowledge and skills across a range of subjects. Our holistic curriculum is designed to motivate and engage pupils in their learning, whilst also developing them as good citizens with the tools, confidence and attitudes to contribute positively to society.
Engaging high-quality teaching, motivating enrichment opportunities and working with the wider community and parents/carers, provides our children with the opportunity to develop their cultural capital, promoting equity and mobility.
Our curriculum is aspirational and carefully sequenced to support progression. There are regular opportunities to apply, revisit, consolidate and retrieve learning, which supports pupils to deepen understanding and commit knowledge and skills to long term memory.
As a school, we regularly refer to the latest research in order to deliver our curriculum using effective pedagogy. Our approach to teaching and learning incorporates strategies relating to metacognition, cognitive load and retrieval practice. We also recognise the importance of developing pupils’ vocabulary and oracy skills to support our pupils to become effective communicators.